Well, let's assume you have a table containing a list of files (WORK.FILES in the example below); we need to issue a SYSTASK statement for each row in the table; and then we need to issue a WAITFOR statement that refers to the names of each of the SYSTASKs so that we don't proceed any further until all of the zips are complete.
data files;
file='Alpha.csv'; output;
file='Beta.csv'; output;
file='Gamma.csv'; output;
%macro zippem(data=,var=);
data _null_;
set &data end=finish nobs=numobs;
length stmt $256;
stmt = cat('systask command "gzip '
,'" nowait taskname=TSK'
call execute(stmt);
if finish then
stmt = 'waitfor _all_';
do i = 1 to numobs;
stmt = cat(trim(stmt),' TSK',putn(i,'Z5.'));
stmt = cat(trim(stmt),';');
call execute(stmt);
%mend zippem;
The macro produces the following log output:
NOTE: CALL EXECUTE generated line.
1 + systask command "gzip Alpha.csv" nowait taskname=TSK00001;
2 + systask command "gzip Beta.csv " nowait taskname=TSK00002;
NOTE: LOG/Output from task "TSK00001"
> gzip: Alpha.csv: No such file or directory
NOTE: End of LOG/Output from task "TSK00001"
3 + systask command "gzip Gamma.csv" nowait taskname=TSK00003;
4 + waitfor _all_ TSK00001 TSK00002 TSK00003;
NOTE: LOG/Output from task "TSK00003"
> gzip: Gamma.csv: No such file or directory
NOTE: End of LOG/Output from task "TSK00003"
NOTE: LOG/Output from task "TSK00002"
> gzip: Beta.csv: No such file or directory
NOTE: End of LOG/Output from task "TSK00002"
Ignoring the fact that my files don't exist(!), you can see that the output from each command is echoed to the log (useful). It's a simple macro, but it can speed-up your jobs by a significant amount. You can use the template code shown above for many purposes.