I was very pleased to meet SAS's Chris Hemedinger at this year's SAS Global Forum. Needless to say, he was espousing the virtues of Enterprise Guide when I found him!
If you're a regular NOTE: reader you'll know that I'm a fan of his blog. I was jolly interested to read his most recent post "Hammer time with high school students". It was a very eloquent description of how he opened the eyes of some local high school students to the meaning and power of analytics (and SAS). Analytics is a widely growing area of business interest and any school or college-leaver would do well to understand what it means (better still, to have skills in analytics). I wonder if Chris's students realise the value of the insight he's given them.
For my part, I shall be repeating the exercise with my own kids this weekend, and hammering home the message that gathering and understanding the data & information that surrounds you is a job worth doing (and worth doing well).
[It was a pleasure to meet you Chris. Keep up the good work!]