It's free, just register. You'll be given the opportunity to download an entry to your calendar, and you'll be sent an email with instructions. Then tune-in via your web browser at 6pm BST on Thursday.
Neil will describe how to:
- Create a report combining output from multiple tasks and export it to PDF or HTML.
- Redirect the formatted output from a task directly into Excel.
- Add extra formatting commands to your output, such as page orientation.
- Build linked reports and graphs.
- Publish from Enterprise Guide directly to the Web.
- Turn an Enterprise Guide task into a stored process, complete with dynamic and cascading prompts.
And, make a note in your diary for the next event in the series: "CSSSTYLE: Stylish Output with ODS and SAS 9.2" by Cynthia Zender on July 22nd (registration opens 8th July).