Here's a simple code example:
data sales;
region = 'North'; product = 'Widget'; sales = 500; OUTPUT;
region = 'North'; product = 'Foobar'; sales = 300; OUTPUT;
region = 'South'; product = 'Widget'; sales = 100; OUTPUT;
proc means data=sales /*completetypes*/ sum;
class region product;
If we run it without COMPLETETYPES we get:
Analysis Variable : sales
region product Obs Sum
North Foobar 1 300.0000000
Widget 1 500.0000000
South Widget 1 100.0000000
And if we run it with COMPLETETYPES, we get (with the new information highlighted in red):
Analysis Variable : sales
region product Obs Sum
North Foobar 1 300.0000000
Widget 1 500.0000000
South Foobar 0 .
Widget 1 100.0000000
If there's a chance that your data won't contain all possible values for any given classification variable (this is a possibility when you regularly run reports on differing data), you might want to consider PRELOADFMT - it's a key word for the CLASS statement. The formats associated with the CLASS variables are used to tell MEANS the full list of values. See this example (key code highlighted in red):
proc format;
value $regions 'North' = 'North'
'South' = 'South'
'West' = 'West'
data sales;
format region $regions.;
region = 'North'; product = 'Widget'; sales = 500; OUTPUT;
region = 'North'; product = 'Foobar'; sales = 300; OUTPUT;
region = 'South'; product = 'Widget'; sales = 100; OUTPUT;
proc means data=sales completetypes sum ;
class region product / preloadfmt;
We define a format for REGION which contains "West", but West is not in our data at all. We add PRELOADFMT as an option to the CLASS statement, and here's the output that we get (new bits in red):
Analysis Variable : sales
region product Obs Sum
North Foobar 1 300.0000000
Widget 1 500.0000000
South Foobar 0 .
Widget 1 100.0000000
West Foobar 0 .
Widget 0 .
So, we've seen how we can zero-fill a data set using two different techniques, the first using all combinations of data within the input data set, and the second using a pattern of values from format(s).
See also:
Sadly, the Summary Statistics task in Enterprise Guide (which uses PROC MEANS) does not offer COMPLETETYPES nor PRELOADFMT; but you can add them yourself within the Code Preview window.